Determining the initial condition in parabolic problems


报告题目: Determining the initial condition in parabolic problems
报 告 人: Prof. Dinh Nho Hao
  Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam
报告时间: 9月10日(周四)15:00―16:00
报告地点: 九龙湖数学系第一报告厅
相关介绍: 报告摘要:We determine the initial condition in parabolic equations with time dependent coefficients from 1) final observation, 2)interior and integral observations, 3) lateral observations. These inverse problems can be written in the form of operator equations. We present a very simple method to approximate the singular values of these operators. We note that as the coefficients of the problem depend on time, up to now there has been no result concerning the behavior of the singular values of these operators. The inverse problems are solved by the least squares method and discretized by the finite difference splitting method. Numerical results show that the approach is promising.