


报告题目:Real structure-preserving algorithms of Householder based transformations for

quaternion matrices




Abstract: In this paper,we survey three different forms of Householder based transformations for quaternion matrices in the literature,and propose a new form of quaternion Householder based transformation.We propose real structure-preserving algorithms of these Householder based transformations,which make the procedure computationally more flexible andefficient.We compare the computation counts and assignment numbers of these algorithms. We also compare the effectiveness of these real structure-preserving algorithms applying to the quaternion QRD and the quaternion SVD.

Allthese four real structure-preserving algorithms aremore efficient, comparing to thealgorithms which applyQuaternion Toolbox using quaternion arithmetics,or algorithms which directly performsreal Householder transformations onthe real representation of a quaternion matrix.Among these fourreal structure-preserving algorithms,the most efficient ones are based on quaternion Householder reflection, and new proposed Householder based transformation.





魏木生教授于1977年以江苏省数学单科第一名——唯一的120 分满分,考入南京大学数学系。1982年,他作为国家公派留学生来到美国布朗大学,攻读应用数学系的硕士和博士学位, 并于1986年获得博士学位。1986.8-1988.7先后辗转至明尼苏达大学,俄亥俄州立大学和密歇根州立大学进行博士后研究, 并于1988.8回国。


魏木生教授先后研究了偏微分方程的散射问题和散射频率的计算, 指数型非线性信号的参数辩识, 秩亏LSTLSLSE问题的理论和扰动分析和数值计算, 刚性最小二乘问题的上确界, 稳定性扰动和算法研究,矩阵乘积的广义逆的反序律, 图像重构, 控制论中的系统的标准分解和对角解耦等问题.


魏木生教授已在国内外知名刊物发表学术论文140余篇; 出版书籍:Supremum and Stability ofWeighted Pseudoinverses and Weighted Least Squares Problems: Analysis and Computations》(Nova Science Publishers,New York, 2001,《数学分析习题精解》(科学出版社,北京,2002,《广义最小二乘问题的理论和计算》(科学出版社,北京,2006,
