题目: Graph Cut and Spectrum of the 1-Laplacian
报告人: Sihong Shao (邵嗣烘), School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University.”
报告人: Sihong Shao (邵嗣烘), School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University.”
Graph cut, partitioning the vertices of a graph into two or more disjoint subsets, is a fundamental problem in graph theory and has become a very powerful tool in data clustering. In this talk, we first try to connect two kinds of graph cut: the Cheeger cut and the max cut, with continuous function optimization problems through the graph 1-Laplacian. That is, the original discrete combination optimization problems can be equivalently transformed into the continuous function optimization problems and then the nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Second, we discuss theory and algorithms for such nonlinear eigenvalue problems which are usually not only nonconvex but also nondifferentiable. Finally, some preliminary numerical results are provided.
邵嗣烘,北京大学数学科学学院副教授。他先后于 2003 年和 2009 年毕业于北京大学数学科学院并分别获得理学学士和博士学位。 2007 年 8 月至 2008 年 7 月被公派到美国北卡罗莱那大学夏洛特分校数学统计系访问学习。2009 年 2 月至 2010 年 8 月在香港科技大学的 The Joint KAUST-HKUST Micro/Nanofluidics Laboratory 工作。主要在量子化学和量子物理中的算法、微分方程数值解、非线性图谱理论及应用等领域开展可计算建模、数学分析和算法设计等研究工作。曾获中国计算数学学会优秀青年论文一等奖(2005),北京大学学术类创新奖(2005,2006,2008),北京大学优秀博士学位论文三等奖(2011), 宝洁教师奖等。已在领域内主流国际学术期刊上发表 20 余篇学术论文。